Responsibility/ Research and development

The sustainable development process, following the European and national regulations, anticipates the requirements for human health and environmental protection and goes through the following stages:

I. Greening the raw material and finished products portfolio
II. Development of new technologies, product recipes with environmentally friendly materials
III. Reduced emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOC)
IV. Development of new products:

- water-soluble, as a finishing solution for the future, replacing the classic organic solvent-based products
- wood protection products, against deterioration caused by wood lice, fungi, mould
- efficient cleaning solutions for construction surfaces contaminated with fungi and mould

For the past 3 years, Fabryo Corporation has developed products using new technologies, environmentally-friendly raw materials. These have replaced the old formulations that contained carcinogenic, toxic, harmful or environmentally hazardous raw materials.

I . Greening the raw material and finished products portfolio

A) Use of health- and environmental risk free raw materials instead of classified ones

Examples: total or partial replacement of the following raw materials:
- Yellow pigment: yellow lead sulphochromate: totally discarded
- Red pigment: chromate, molybdate, red lead sulphate: totally discarded
- Diisobutyl phthalate (Harmful): totally discarded
- Solvent with environmentally harmful compounds : totally discarded
- Zinc phosphate: cut down to the lowest limit, to prevent environmental damage
- Sodium hypochlorite (corrosive): totally discarded
- 80 % reduction of the ammonia consumption (corrosive and harmful)
- 90 % reduction of n-methyl 2 pyrrolidine (irritant)
- Acetone (very flammable and irritant : F, Xi ); totally discarded
- Nitrocellulose (explosive); totally discarded
- Chlorinated paraffin (highly toxic to aquatic organisms); totally discarded
- Heavy metal pollution (Lead) siccatives; totally discarded

B). Removal from the portfolio of organic solvent soluble products, with environmentaland health risk:
- Parlon-based paint and enamel
- Primers, enamels and epoxy-amine mastic

II. Development of new technologies, product recipes with environmentally friendly raw materials
1. Use of legal biocides approved by the National Commission for Biocide Products
2. Cut back powdery emissions into the atmoshpere by using granular pigments
3. Implementing precise and quick preparation processes which reduce organic emissions
4. Identification and use of raw materials adequate to the technological and environmental requirements; efficient, non-organic solvent dispersants

III.Decreasing emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOC)
In 2009-2010 all the products in our portfolio were redesigned in order to reduce the amounts of organic solvent content in the products; The project resulted in the development of about 500 new technological processes, reducing the amount of organic solvent by about 100 g /1 L of paint; For the environment, the result was more than 2500 tondecrease of organic solvent emissions through vaporization.

IV. Developing new products
Out of concern for a "healthy" future, every product in our solvent-based generation portfolio of has a "green technology", water soluble counterpart
- savana alkyd (solvent) enamel -> savana acrylic, water-based enamels
- savana woodlacquer, with Teflon® (solvent) -> savana water-based acrylic lacquers range
- ROST alkyd (solvent) anti-corrosive primer -> savana water-based anti-corrosive primer
- savana mono-component (solvent) parquet lacquer -> savana water-based parquetlacquer, with Teflon®