Innovation is considered the main driver of economic growth in today’s global economy. Innovation and creativity are interdependent, given that finding solutions to the problems occurring in an innovation process will always require lots of creativity.
- Launch of the savana brand
- Moving the washable paint production to the platform in Popești Leordeni
- Re-design of the savana brand (developing the savana animal concept)
- Launch of the washable paint savana with Teflon
- Moving the alkyd paint production to the platform in Popești Leordeni
- Extending the tinting network from 160 to 270 tinting points nationwide
- Launch of the wood lacquers category under the savana brand
- Launch of INNENWEISS washable paint for kitchen and bathroom
- Opening the first 4 showrooms in the country
- Extending the tinting network to more than 450 tinting points nationwide
- another 5 showrooms are opened in the country
- Establishment of the fabryo craftsmen CLUB
- Launch of the website
- savana: packaging face-lift
- Launch of TV campaign: How about Teflon
- Product launches: extension of the savana lacquers colour range, savana acrylic enamel category, savana "ready to use" primer for washable paints
- Enhancing the national distribution network and regional re-organisation of the sales system
- Rationalisation of the product portfolio
- Investment in modernising the information system
- Opening of the Bucharest showroom
- Re-formulation and improvement of all the product recipes in the company portfolio
- New packaging design for the INNENWEISS and ROST brands
- Product launches: complete anti-mould system savana, savana with Teflon bathroom and kitchen, decorative plasters and paints savana aquastop and our own 180 colorpalette, savana for quick works, extension of the colour range in the savana acrylic enamels, savana water-based lacquer with Teflon, savana protector with Teflon
- Launch of the VIP programme on the traditional retail market
- First TV campaign for the INNENWEISS brand
- Launch of the TV "Aspargilius" campaign for savana with Teflon kitchen and bathroom
- Campaign "How about Teflon" awarded gold at Effie 2009
- September: according to the MEMRB Study, Fabryo Corporation became leader on the traditional decorative lacquers and paints market
- Extending the tinting network to more than 600 tinting points nationwide
- Fabryo Corporation nominated for EBA - European Business Awards, as one of the 10 finalists in Romania
- Launch of the "savana culoare" campaign, the first colour promotion integrated campaign in redecorating
- Launch of the website
- "Aspargilius" Campaign awarded Silver in Effie 2010
- Product launches: ROST stain category, extension of ROST bronzalkyd colour range, savana elastic textured paint, savana Sidef, the ROST decorative plasters - Development of a new retail concept (franchise) renovis
- Development of a new retail concept (franchise) renovis
- 16% growth of market share compared to 2009 (MEMRB)
- Opening the first 8 renovis stores
- Extending the tinting network to 645 tinting points nationwide
- The website prize winner at the INTERNETICS Gala, "durable goods" section
- savana, awarded gold medal at Effie 2011 for "sustained success"
- Product launches: savana kids ready-mixedin 7 shades, INNENWEISS 15 L bucket lid with incorporated grill, INNENWEISS washable paint with anti-bacterial effect, savana triple protection wood primer, savana floor lacquer, with Teflon with anti-slip effect, savana woodlazure, INNENWEISS white washablepaint in 10L bucket,
- The Company was awarded Grand Prize at the Work Life Balance Award 2011 Gala
- savana received the Superbrands trophy, the highest recognition of the brand so far
- Launch of website
- Extpanding of the renovis franchise network, to a total of 19 operational stores
- Launch of the first volume of "The Smart Craftsman Guidebook"
- Launch of the first "do-it-yourself" broadcast MEŞTER-EŞTI, in partnership with Antena1
- Product launches: new shades of colour in savana kids, extended colour range for savana lacquer with Teflon, savana super-white super-washable paint with Teflon 12L, new colour card SCS (savana color safari)
- Innovative packaging design for all the savana wood careprotection and decoration products, re-launch of the category
- The Company got selected for the "Romania s most productive companies" top according to a Profiles International study, for the highest labour efficiency in its industry
- The company was awarded 3rd place and a Special Award in the Work Life Balance 2012 Gala for the originality of its implemented programmes.
Fabryo Corporation focuses on innovation with solid skills and highly qualified personnel , laboratory equipment for research and cutting-edge technology . Harnessing this potential particularly between 2006 and 2012 , the company has launched more than 30 innovative products , most with unique benefits market, adapted to the climatic conditions in Romania .
A product category that
Fabryo Corporation is clearly distinguishable from its competitors is the range
savana with Teflon Surface Protector, originally introduced additive composition washable paints and varnishes and enamels later , due to the success .
Fabryo Corporation has
own coloring system SCS (savana safari color) with a palletizing own over 1,000 shades of colored washable paint inside and outside
savana and over 180 shades plaster and decorative paint structured .
The company owns the most extensive national network of computer coloring in the industry with over 640 cars and franchise network
renovis in the traditional market of DIY , .